Ask a Question and Save a Life
Gatekeepers are trained to know the signs of suicide and how to talk to a person about them and then guide them to the help they need. Gatekeepers become trained through QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training. This training can take as little as 90 minutes.
QPR stands for question, persuade, and refer. It is an educational program that teaches ordinary citizens how to recognize a mental health emergency and how to get a person at risk the help they need.
Gatekeepers include neighbors, parents, friends, teachers, squad leaders, foremen, doctors, police officers, ministers, firefighters, advisors, nurses, caseworkers, office supervisors, and many others who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide.
Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.
As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper you will learn to:
- Recognize the warning signs of suicide.
- Identify risk factors associated with suicide and attempts.
- Know how to offer hope.
- Ask the question.
- Know how to get help.
Please consider joining in the action plan to save lives in Kentucky. Gatekeeper training presentations can be adapted to your particular need, including content and length. Click an area close to you on the map for upcoming QPR meetings and events. You may also request more information about QPR and other ways to help prevent suicide by sending a request using the form below or to Beck Whipple at the Kentucky Division of Behavioral Health, Behavioral Health Prevention and Promotion Branch.
QPR TRAINERS: Resource materials are available to assist QPR Trainers in their training and teaching procedures. More information may be obtained by sending a request using the form below or to Beck Whipple at the Kentucky Division of Behavioral Health, Behavioral Health Prevention and Promotion Branch.