The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention is the public-private partnership advancing the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.

AAS is a membership organization for all those involved in suicide prevention and intervention, or touched by suicide.

The Lexington SOS group is an open group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.

The SPRC serves individuals, groups, and organizations that play important roles in suicide prevention.

The KDBH is home to most of the state’s human services and health care programs, including Medicaid, the Department for Community Based Services and the Department for Public Health.

Seven Counties Services is the leading provider of behavioral health care and developmental services in the Louisville KY region.

The AFSP is a multifaceted organization made up of esteemed scientists, dedicated survivors of suicide loss, people with mental disorders and their families, and an expansive network of business and community leaders.